Priceless bi-partisan satire. Thoroughly entertaining and in good taste.
Kudos to Saturday Night Live for not being vicious or hateful.
Leno and Letterman and their ilk, take note.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Come and Meet God at "The Shack"...

Can a book change your life? Perhaps it can…I know that the truths of God’s Word, in the Bible, can.
What about a work of fiction? Or, is it fiction? For me it was a re-affirmation of who I know my Daddy, my Abba, my Jesus, my Blessed Holy Spirit truly are. He is who He is!
As someone else has already said, “ If you read one work of fiction this year. Let this be it”.
Whether a work of fiction or a stunning, inconceivably miraculous truth, this book can transform you in ways you could never imagine. This is a story, not of religion, but of the incomprehensible power of God’s LOVE and grace. This is a story of truth. It will bring you to tears and laughter. It is unconventional, imaginative, and overwhelmingly beautiful. It can heal your pain and lift you to heights of joy, of love and praise and glory you never dreamed of.
You may find a faith you have never known or believed could exist in your heart. You may have your faith strengthened and fortified in glorious ways. You may find answers or you may come away with more questions. I believe this is one of the most beautiful and spiritual books I’ve ever read.
This book is the prayer of thousands, the pain, the joy, the search for God’s truth…wonderfully expressed by one blessed man. I have been mightily blessed and I pray you will be also by reading “The Shack” by William P. Young.
Thank you Papa, thank you Jesus, thank you Sarayu…
and thank you Willie and Mack. I have been blessed.
Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Mau and Meeoww...and God created CATS

"There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life:
music and cats." ~~ Albert Schweitzer
So…now it's time for a little cat yack attack!
Cats, cats, kittens in
many humans are smitten with kittens?
How many kittens can fit in a mitten?
How many rats can a cat attack?
~~Boomer G Kat
Well, enough of that! ;o) Although cats are a source of so much humor and intrigue and there is so much to learn about cats.

Wow, a post on cats could be a daunting task. I think for now I'll just
focus on some cat-tivating facts about them and their appeal to those of us who love and are possessed by them.
Yes, you read that correctly. One does not own or possess a cat. It is we
who are owned by them. I am presently owned by a ferocious mush named
Boomer. Loves his “nip” and loves to nip feet and ankles to get attention.
Maybe it’s in retaliation for having his tail amputated? That’s a long story, but he was “manxed” at the shelter where we mutually adopted each other.(Of course, he doesn’t know he is lacking that particular plumage and does all cat things quite well without it.
So, no “ahhs” of sympathy, thank you.) He’s a majestic long-haired ebony boy who definitely rules this pride with cattitude.
Now let me say this. I am an animal lover, love 'em all, dogs, gerbils,
horses, and so on, and on and on. All of God’s creatures are beautiful to me.
Maybe it’s because so many of them reveal the majesty and mystery of
His creation. So many of them love as God does, unconditionally. Yet, I guess
I'm a real dyed-in-the-fur cat person!
I think part of what I love is their independence (it fits my own personality). They are not, contrary to the belief of those who don’t take the time to understand them, solitary creatures. They can seem haughty and they can be aloof. Especially to “non-cat persons” whom they instinctively recognize and will deliberately ignore and avoid. Then again they know just how to really annoy someone who really doesn‘t like them…both modes of behavior just prove one thing…they are pretty darn smart! They are very sociable to those deserving of their attention, but are definitely not pack animals. That’s something that really appeals to me. I don’t want to be a member of a pack, or it’s “alpha male”. I want a one-on-one relationship. Then there's the lack of fawning and drooling...LOL. Cats don't need to be constantly receiving attention, and boy oh boy, they don't always give it when you want it either. For me, and most cat lovers, that's great!
They do, however, have this way of snoozelling into your lap or onto your
work at the weirdest or most inopportune times...LOL. Nothing like a kitty on the keyboard. They have the most creative ways of letting you know they want your
attention-RIGHT NOW!...and reminding you that they are the center of your universe and vice versa. Cats seem to have a mysterious way of knowing when you really need their warm, loving presence and the soul-comfort that comes only from stroking them and feeling their warmth and love. And hearing the lovely sound of purring, that unique “cat music“, that soft rumble of contentment that is so soothing…nothing compares to that.
My furry little friends have dried many a tear and salved many a hurt over the years. Gaze into the eyes of a cat and lose yourself in that unwavering, unblinking stare. What mysteries do they conceal, what makes them accept us as one of them? Oh, to be able to see beyond those orbs, to plumb the arcane depths of a cat’s mind.
They can also be the world’s biggest clowns, and trust me, they know it..

I once had a very special cat, my inimitable Frosty, who loved to play fetch with a pastry brush, of all things. They can amuse us for hours with their antics. Foil balls, bits of paper, little fuzzy things…and don’t forget good old catnip…they make you laugh with them, not at them
They come in all shapes and sizes. From the magnificent and majestically regal Siberian tiger to the adorable little Munchkin. They ooze personality, and even the most ferocious will roll on their backs for a belly-rub, purr like crazy, and behave like a little “pussycat”. What?… You’ve never heard a tiger purr?

As for the intelligence and ability to love humans that even the giants of the feline world are capable of, here’s living proof of that.
Cats have been revered, adored, and honored in many ways since ancient times. The cat was sacred to the Egyptian goddess Bast and the Egyptians pampered and respected them.

In the Islamic world, the cat was respected and protected because cats were loved by the prophet Mohammed, the founder of Islam. There is a story that Mohammed's cat Muezza once fell asleep on the sleeve of his master's robe --instead of disturbing his beloved cat when he had to leave, Mohammed cut off the sleeve of his robe.
Cats were honored and protected in Asia because the humans there recognized the value of their services in protecting food crops and the silk worm industry from destruction by rodents.
Rembrandt's etching, “The Virgin and Child with Cat“, shows a cat in an intimate domestic setting with the Holy Family.

Many people believe that, cats, by bringing the rodent population under control, heroically saved humans from complete extinction from the Black Plague during the Dark Ages. By the way, those superstitious fools in the Dark Ages, despite this, believed cats to be evil, in league with the devil and the familiars of witches. They had it all wrong my friend. Nothing so loveable and innocent could be Satan’s cohort.
Throughout the ages they have been admired and adored and the modern world has made them Broadway stars. Oh, and let’s not forget…the inimitable Catwoman…mrrroowww, spit, hiss, and check out those claws in the velvety glove…LOL. Take a gander at that bod, so lithe and sensual! Now, there’s a man’s cat!

Jellicle Cats come out tonight and Grizabella sings of her memories all alone in the moonlight, the music hauntingly, poignantly, beautiful. Can you imagine (if you haven't seen it, what a shame) one of the longest running shows on the British Stage and subsequently on Broadway, is all about cats. Still running in various places. A creature so loved that millions have enjoyed a show that is a tribute to their inscrutability and popularity. Cats, the musical was a delight. Cats, the real thing, are a joy. It’s an incontrovertible fact…CATS RULE!!

"The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it." ~~Doug Larson
Will we ever really understand them? Never in this lifetime. God gave us a
creature of incomparable beauty, grace, and mystery...and yes, love. We can only love them as they love us, for exactly who and what they are, share their special world to the extent that they allow, and be blessed by their presence in our earthly lives. Oh, but I so look forward to that blessed future life with the Lord, when I will not only be reunited with all my special pets, but will roll in the grass of Heaven with all those felines I love, from my own little ones to the majestic kings of His kat world!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
American Independence…

…the envy of the world. We enjoy the barbecues, the parades, the glorious fireworks and celebrations. In the words of John Adams, "It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty."
However, I pray that we may never forget the sacrifices and the price paid now and in the past that gave us the privilege and honor to celebrate this great nation and the birth of freedom and independence. The sacrifices made to give us freedom and independence from tyranny, oppression, and persecution…the freedom to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. May God always bless this great land of ours and may we never forget the true meaning of this day. Happy Independence Day!
Sunday, June 22, 2008

A tip of the hat to a dear friend, Lady Wordsmith In a recent post on her blog she so succinctly reminded me of the value and blessing of humor in lightening a down or difficult day, week, or whatever. (Wonder if “The View” is any different on La Isla Stupida?).
How a simple comic or cartoon can really lift us out of the doldrums and gray valley days is amazing. I applaud the artist/writers of these strips for having such insight into human nature and life in general…and in their ability to make us laugh at ourselves and the downturns of life on this planet, our temporary home. God has blessed them with a talent that, in turn, blesses us all if we just take the time to stop and taste this serving of simple humor.

Three of my favs are “Get Fuzzy”,
“B.C.”, and “Pearls Before Swine”. So, are you having a bad day bunky? Take a peek, peruse, enjoy, and prepare to be delightfully amused and entertained.
Friday, June 20, 2008
A Day at the Races

“Laura Meakin wears an ornate hat on the third day of the Royal Ascot horse racing meeting, traditionally known as Ladies Day in Ascot, England, Thursday, June, 19, 2008. The annual Royal Ascot horse race meeting spread over five days is one of the highlights of the English social season. The Royal Enclosure the most sought after part of the course has strict dress codes for men and women, with morning suits top hats for men, and conservative dresses and hats to be worn by women-though interpretation by top designers leads to some interesting and colourful creations. (AP Photo/Alastair Grant)”
I say Guv’nr. Shall we off to Ascot? My, my, must maintain the standards of our class. What would Her Majesty be wearing today, I wonder? It would be so de rigueur to outshine the Royals.

Ah, but that other Day at the Races was really the best, a classic and a gem.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Creatures Great and Small

“If you don't already think animals are far more spiritually advanced than we humans, think again.
Amazing images of a wild polar bear coming upon tethered sled dogs in the wilds of Canada's Hudson Bay. The photographer was sure that he was going to see the end of his dogs when the polar bear wandered in…incidentally, the polar bear returned every night that week to play with the dogs.”
Definitely worth *more* than a thousand words!

( credits to Stuart Brown and photos by Norbert Rosing)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Let Me Tell You ‘Bout A Best Friend…

“What is man without the beasts?
If all the beasts were gone,
men would die from great
loneliness of spirit,
for whatever happens to the beasts
Also happens to man.
All things are connected.
Whatever befalls the earth
befalls the children of the earth.”
~~~Chief Seattle, Suqwamish
As the poet wrote, “…all creatures great and small, the Lord God made them all…”Well folks, let’s face it, too many people torment, torture, abuse and misuse the least of God’s creatures. We all know it and many of us are horrified and sickened by it.
A prime example, recently well publicized, is Michael Vick and his dog-fighting “sport”.
There is more, and sadly worse brutality, done to animals, but I will not go into the sickening details of what “civilized man” is capable of. The inhumanity of “humankind“.

What this says about our nation as a people is frightening and humiliating. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated…I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by [people] from the cruelty of [human kind]”
Thankfully there are a lot of good folks out there who run shelters and rescue organizations that try to undo at least some of the horror and care for these least of God’s precious ones. In the words of St. Francis of Assisi, “Not to hurt our humble brethren is our first duty to them, but to stop there is not enough. We have a higher mission—to be of service to them wherever they require it.”
One of the best organizations I know of does some of the most fantastic work in saving and loving all sorts of God’s little beauties…from the greatly maligned Pit Bull Terriers to abused and feral cats, to horses, burros, bunnies, and all sorts of birds, and even reptiles…these folks are there to care for them and give them the love they have never known before. They are the angels of salvation for all the four-legged orphans of cruelty.

These animals come from everywhere. Confined and careworn from puppy mills, neglected and emaciated from cat hoarders, even wounded and terrified from war zones in the Middle East. There are “regular” pets that are cared for, rehabilitated if necessary, and sent along to new homes. There are even “wild” animals that are cared for and then appropriately set free. Then there are the “un-adoptables”, the blind and maimed, the crippled, the deaf, the ones with special needs. Young and old, all are loved and cared for.
They are given the very best of veterinary care. Their bodies and their spirits are healed.
Then they are either given permanent loving homes at this blessed sanctuary or eventually are adopted by some very special people who are carefully screened. None are turned away, none are ever, ever…no never…”put down”. They even maintain a special animal cemetery called Angel’s Rest.

Their caring and compassion extends to us as well, the “parents”, caretakers and guardians of these special little angels in our lives. They have a special section on their website for us to post memorials to our friends who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. These memorials may be short or long and are kept on the site memorial archives in perpetuity.
The people of Best Friends Animal Society are the modern day patron saints of the animals. A quote from their own website says much…“On any given day, there are about 2,000 dogs, cats and other animals who have come to the sanctuary for special care from shelters and rescue groups all across the country. Once they're here, we make sure nothing bad will ever happen to them again. Many of them are soon ready to go to good new homes with loving families. Others find lifetime care here at the nation's largest sanctuary. For them, Best Friends is a unique home and haven. There's just nothing else like it anywhere.”
We need to remember Jesus’ own words, as all the people of Best Friends certainly have, and live them every day as these wonderful people do. There is some debate as to whether
animals have souls…perhaps our Father has given them special animal souls, only He knows. But He has through Jesus’ words directed us in how to behave towards all living things, human and animal alike, with kindness, compassion, and caring.
“Whatever you do unto the least of these, you do it unto me.”~~Matthew 25:40
Friday, May 9, 2008
He Loves Them All

“From Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit, there came a great unifying life force that flowed in and through all things--the flowers of the plains, blowing winds, rocks, trees, birds, animals--and was the same force that had been breathed into the first man. Thus all things were kindred, and were brought together by the same Great Mystery.Kinship with all creatures of the earth, sky, and water was a real and active principle. In the animal and bird world there existed a brotherly feeling that kept the Lakota safe among them. And so close did some of the Lakota come to their feathered and furred friends that in true brotherhood they spoke a common tongue.

The animals had rights--the right of man’s protection, the right to live, the right to multiply, the right to freedom, and the right to man’s indebtedness--and in recognition of these rights the Lakota never enslaved an animal, and spared all life that was not needed for food or clothing.

This concept of life and its relations was humanizing, and gave to the Lakota an abiding love. It filled his being with the joy and mystery of living; it gave him a reverence for all life; it made a place for all things in the scheme of existence with equal importance to all.
The Lakota could despise no creature, for all were of one blood, made by the same hand, and filled with the essence of the Great Mystery. In spirit, the Lakota were humble and meek. “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”--this was true for the Lakota, and from the earth they inherited secrets long since forgotten. Their religion was sane, natural, and human.”
~~Chief Luther Standing Bear, Teton Sioux
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Eye Candy
More of the works of the Master’s hand greet me every day as His creations continue to bring color and beauty with this season of birth and rebirth.
The songs of the cardinals and mockingbirds fill the air, so sweet to hear in the early hours of the dawning day as my eyes drink in the rainbow of blooms. A potpourri of scents continue to enchant with each rising of the sun…
Colors splashed across the canvas of His creation
Eye candy and soul candy in abundance…
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Thursday, April 10, 2008
His Wonderful World
The world is awakening here in the northeast. Life is once again escaping the cold clammy clutches of winter’s barren grasp.
Signs of spring are all around us. The blessings of God’s creation are obvious everywhere, even in the little niches of my own back yard.

Color bursting forth and critters skittering to and fro.
Celebrate the birth of new life, of His gifts of beauty and the little miracles that remind us of the touch of God’s hand in every part of our lives.
His great message is there in all the little things…the sounds, the sights, the scents of spring. Rebirth and renewal, all part of His great plan. Rejoice and savor His gifts.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
An Icon Passes…

One of my favorite actors, Charlton Heston, has gone home. On the big screen he brought life to such heroic and larger-than-life figures as Moses, El Cid and Ben Hur. He battled apes (Planet of the Apes) and vampirish ghouls (The Omega Man). Off screen he had the integrity and courage to publicly support his beliefs. He was one of the rare and unique Hollywood stars to have a long and enduring marriage and kept his family life private. A man of talent and grace, his legacy is not just his films but his personal integrity. Godspeed Mr. Heston.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Music of the Night

My birthday treat to me was finally going to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.
I was wonderfully entertained and definitely not disappointed. I can certainly see why this show has been running for 20 years. Hard to believe but true…although not hard for me to believe after having seen it.
I’ve seen two other Andrew Lloyd Webber productions, Evita and Cats, and now after having seen Phantom, I must say he is batting 1,000 in my league despite some of the criticisms I‘ve heard of his work. I sometimes wonder if the negativity regarding his work (some from those in “show biz”) is rooted in jealousy of his phenomenal success and the popularity of his productions. Not to mention the numerous awards he has received. So I “nay-say” the critics and along with thousands of other theater goers enjoy his productions.
From my limited knowledge of the original novel, this production’s book appears to follow the original story faithfully. A tale of intrigue, pathos, and an impossible love set amidst the pomp and theater of the opera. The opulent staging beautifully brought to life the Paris opera house, the labyrinth of the underground candlelit river and lair of the Phantom, and the drama of the magnificent glittering chandelier crashing into the audience. (Of course, the audience here is spared any damage!;o)
Sumptuous costuming, dazzlingly beautiful sets, beautiful music, powerfully glorious voices, and a great seat!…all added up to a thoroughly entertaining night on Broadway.
The video clip is from the movie, but no less hauntingly beautiful than the stage production.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Rejoice for HE is Risen!

From the gloom of death, to the radiance of life…
this is the promise and hope of Easter!

We don't change the message,
the message changes us.
John 3:16
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