The man, the music…
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Music of the Night

My birthday treat to me was finally going to see Phantom of the Opera on Broadway.
I was wonderfully entertained and definitely not disappointed. I can certainly see why this show has been running for 20 years. Hard to believe but true…although not hard for me to believe after having seen it.
I’ve seen two other Andrew Lloyd Webber productions, Evita and Cats, and now after having seen Phantom, I must say he is batting 1,000 in my league despite some of the criticisms I‘ve heard of his work. I sometimes wonder if the negativity regarding his work (some from those in “show biz”) is rooted in jealousy of his phenomenal success and the popularity of his productions. Not to mention the numerous awards he has received. So I “nay-say” the critics and along with thousands of other theater goers enjoy his productions.
From my limited knowledge of the original novel, this production’s book appears to follow the original story faithfully. A tale of intrigue, pathos, and an impossible love set amidst the pomp and theater of the opera. The opulent staging beautifully brought to life the Paris opera house, the labyrinth of the underground candlelit river and lair of the Phantom, and the drama of the magnificent glittering chandelier crashing into the audience. (Of course, the audience here is spared any damage!;o)
Sumptuous costuming, dazzlingly beautiful sets, beautiful music, powerfully glorious voices, and a great seat!…all added up to a thoroughly entertaining night on Broadway.
The video clip is from the movie, but no less hauntingly beautiful than the stage production.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Rejoice for HE is Risen!

From the gloom of death, to the radiance of life…
this is the promise and hope of Easter!

We don't change the message,
the message changes us.
John 3:16
Friday, March 14, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
How the Mighty do Fall!

Let’s see, first there was Clinton, then McGreevey, now Spitzer…
What a world, what a world! To think that morality could melt their beautiful evil…
Arrogance, hubris, hypocrisy…integrity and ethics don’t seem to apply to the “powerful”.
Is it power that corrupts the man or corruption that brings them to power? Is it their shameful arrogance and egocentricity that leads them to believe they are above the laws of God and man? Points to ponder. Pardon the pun, but politics does indeed make strange bedfellows.
As always there is the “collateral damage”…the families must also pay a price, as do we who have elected these flawed individuals. Prayer is needed here.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Stop and Smell the Flowers…

I had a nice treat last weekend. A welcome respite from the cold and snow of winter (which I do love, but in limited portions). A treat for the senses and a glorious and colorful preview of Spring, and a musical interlude rolled into one. The theme of the Philadelphia Flower Show this year is “Jazz It Up!” An homage to the sights and sounds of New Orleans.
As usual, a picture is worth a thousand (or more) words, so here they are aplenty.

Combine the rhythms and melodies of New Orleans jazz with the beauty of much of the flora of the area and you have a plethora of eye and ear candy. The familiar sight of ornate iron balconies draped with colorful vines and blossoms, waterfalls, and whimsical garden arrangements delight the eye, while the bands play tunes to delight the ear.

Although the video is really an ad, it is kinda neat!
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