The world is awakening here in the northeast. Life is once again escaping the cold clammy clutches of winter’s barren grasp.
Signs of spring are all around us. The blessings of God’s creation are obvious everywhere, even in the little niches of my own back yard. Color bursting forth and critters skittering to and fro.
Celebrate the birth of new life, of His gifts of beauty and the little miracles that remind us of the touch of God’s hand in every part of our lives. His great message is there in all the little things…the sounds, the sights, the scents of spring. Rebirth and renewal, all part of His great plan. Rejoice and savor His gifts.
One of my favorite actors, Charlton Heston, has gone home. On the big screen he brought life to such heroic and larger-than-life figures as Moses, El Cid and Ben Hur. He battled apes (Planet of the Apes) and vampirish ghouls (The Omega Man). Off screen he had the integrity and courage to publicly support his beliefs. He was one of the rare and unique Hollywood stars to have a long and enduring marriage and kept his family life private. A man of talent and grace, his legacy is not just his films but his personal integrity. Godspeed Mr. Heston.