A tip of the hat to a dear friend, Lady Wordsmith In a recent post on her blog she so succinctly reminded me of the value and blessing of humor in lightening a down or difficult day, week, or whatever. (Wonder if “The View” is any different on La Isla Stupida?).
How a simple comic or cartoon can really lift us out of the doldrums and gray valley days is amazing. I applaud the artist/writers of these strips for having such insight into human nature and life in general…and in their ability to make us laugh at ourselves and the downturns of life on this planet, our temporary home. God has blessed them with a talent that, in turn, blesses us all if we just take the time to stop and taste this serving of simple humor.

Three of my favs are “Get Fuzzy”,
“B.C.”, and “Pearls Before Swine”. So, are you having a bad day bunky? Take a peek, peruse, enjoy, and prepare to be delightfully amused and entertained.