I live in Northern New Jersey and …need I even say it?
I love snow, the powder puff trees, the pristine beauty of it
sparkling in the sun as if the ground had been sprinkled with
thousands of tiny diamonds, the clean, fresh “newness” of it.
I love building snowmen and making snow angels, snowball
fights…being a kid again and simply enjoying all that cold, fluffy
white stuff. Even makes the world seem clean and bright and
unsullied, covered in it’s blanket of unblemished white…almost
However, the shoveling, playing musical streets with the plows,
the black ice, the frozen slush, and the weird neighbors and
super-paranoid or idiot drivers, are definitely not fun!
Enough is too much for now. Save some for next year…Got this photo from a friend, it is definitely worth a thousand words…:o)