“The heavens declare His righteousness
And all the peoples have seen His glory.” Psalm 97:6
I’m revisiting our last night on the Vineyard because it was special in more ways than one. That evening God gave me cause to reflect on the many gifts He gives us, the big ones and the sweet little ones, and the lessons He teaches to help us grow ever closer to Him. I thought about the hard times, the rough patches, and how valuable they are no matter how much they may hurt. I thought of all the relationships in my life and how each fills me in a different way. I thought of acceptance, forbearance, forgiveness--- of faith, hope, and love.
I thought about the irreplaceable gift of my family, a treasure beyond earthly value, of the love and sharing. The events of that evening also reminded me of how precious the gift of true friendship is, especially when that friend becomes so much more, becomes a sister of the heart. All the more precious because of her love and caring, her generosity, and most of all, her faithfulness to me. She has given me so much of herself and I love her dearly.
Has God ever given you one of those very personal, very special,
little gifts at the perfect time and in the perfect place, only meaningful for you? The kind someone else might find silly or capricious, that they would never understand? He has done this for me on occasion. These gifts are so rare that I store them in my heart and treasure them even more for their rarity. Well, on that last night on the Vineyard He gave me one. My last night---
Home Port--it means much to me in so many ways, home tomorrow where so much of my heart lives, and after this world, my
Home Port for eternity. Your gifts, sweet Abba, almost overwhelm me sometimes.
After a truly scrumdiddly-icious meal at the
Home Port Restaurant in Menemsha...view of the ocean, an amazing meal, so abundant and generous I couldn‘t finish it (yes of course I brought home my peeps baggie), lobster and other bounty from the sea, each tasty morsel cooked to perfection...wonderful service, and again,
the name of the place! (Dear Lord, You made it so appropriate for my heart and You didn‘t stop there), we joined about 100 other observers at sunset out on the jetty. It’s somewhat of a tradition on the Vineyard, sunset at Menemsha.
Someone had a recording of
“Amazing Grace” on bagpipes playing from a boat right behind us...a special treat for any "Trekkie" and I‘ve been a devotee since the very first episode, (this music was in the film
“Star Trek II, The Wrath of Khan“)...is it also a Navy tradition? I wish I knew. According to urban legend the hymn was sung by the Cherokee people on the Trail of Tears and is considered a sort of anthem for the Cherokee Nation. It is also very meaningful for me personally in many ways.
I find it difficult to imagine anything more appropriate than wailing bagpipes to set the mood for a funeral...yet God in His mysterious way has designed this particular funeral dirge to instill a feeling of hope and the anticipation of something new and better beyond this life in the heart of some listeners...at least it does for this listener and believer in God's faithfulness and promises.
This life we live is not an easy one. It seems it's the way this fallen world has to be for a while longer. Yet for believers, something is different. We suffer tragedies and we also see the sufferings of other's, and we weep for them...those we love and those we will never know. We plod along and tough it through the daily trials, the pain and disappointments. We struggle through the deserts of despair and loneliness and yet, somehow we endure. Somehow we manage to retain that little spark of hope in our hearts that life can be better. That feeling, my friend, that little spark, is God. He is that still, small voice of faith that kindles the spark of hope. He always manages to give us a glimpse of what His world is supposed to be like and what it will be with Him.
Just before I heard the music I had almost allowed myself to slip into a mood of melancholy, a little self-indulgent sadness over the end of a beautiful week. This despite being happy to be heading on to my
Home Port and everyone I love the next day. Yet, this week was one of God’s gifts to me and now, with this music and His hand gently lowering His sun into His ocean, He reminded me so lovingly and gently once again, to treasure all the wonderful gifts He has given me. He has given us all this beautiful world, filled with His wonders and love.
Once again my God has shown me that the air is never sweeter, more rarified, more pure and refreshing, the view is never more life affirming when you reach the mountaintop, than when you've been a dweller in the desolate valley of despair. Though I’ve been in that valley, and the deeper pit, and will no doubt be there again…my God will always lead me back to the mountaintop if I just follow.