"You shall be like a watered garden
And like a spring of water
Whose waters do not fail." Isaiah 58:11
I recently had the special opportunity of vacationing for nine days with my dearest friend, my God-given sister, on Martha's Vineyard. It was a long overdue and much anticipated respite from the world. It was also a special gift since I would not have been able to do it on my own right now. Sharing the time with her made it especially pleasurable, but then, sharing joy and fellowship with someone you love makes everything better.
Mahtha's Vinyahd...to the locals, natives, year-round denizens, "the Islanders", as they refer to themselves...not part of the good old USA. The "world" lies over that-away, an approximately 40 minute ferry crossing away, over that stretch of water where you eventually must return, wishfully later rather than sooner.
The Vineyard is a world unto itself. Quaint--sophisticated, old-fashioned--modern, discreetly or blatantly affluent, yet in places it is sadly run-down and shabby ...a place of contrasts.
There are the places of cacophonous revelry. This island is also a favorite of the college crowd and, yes, it gets a bit overwhelming with the crowds and the noise during the peak of the "tourist" season. Strolling down the main drags during the day to shop you see folks of all shapes, sizes, and colors--hear languages you’ll never understand…Babel personified. As for the nightlife, there is definitely a variety of choices, the famous Flying Horses carousel, movies of course, bars, bars, bars, and more bars. An almost impossible choice of eateries from modest to outrageously overpriced--Italian, Portuguese, rib joints, pizza, and of course, an abundance of lusciously fresh and sinfully delicious seafood (my personal favorite). My kingdom for lobster (how can a “bug“ taste so good!). You’d better not be bothered by walking cheek-to-cheek or shoulder to shoulder, ‘cause you can’t avoid it on the sidewalks at night.
Trying to find a parking space is an exercise in perseverance and sometimes ingenuity ;o). We did manage to go to a movie one night, “Ratatouille”, and it was great, imaginative and very entertaining. Wonderfully detailed computer graphics and the story concept was so amusing.
We went to see a group called The Vineyard Sound on another night.
An accapella group of nine college men who sang old favorites and obscure ditties with equal precision and skill. They were amazing, funny, engaging, and well worth the five block walk to the church where they performed.
All of that can be and was great fun, but the beauty is that there is always that quiet, peaceful place to retreat to. To be renewed and refreshed. Of course we went to the beach, how could we not! But then, that sort of comes with the territory, it's part of an island vacation and one of the best parts. But there was so much more to enjoy, so much more that provided renewal and refreshment.
Pockets of creation so peaceful they beg for meditation and the soul-refreshing silence of contemplating what our Father has given us in this island retreat, and indeed, the world He created. From the yard at my Sis's house in Oak Bluffs---the waskally wabbit who came to forage every day, the Monarchs at the milkweed, and the beautiful summer blossoms, to the reverent silence and almost heartbreakingly beautiful vistas of the My Toi Gardens on Chappaquiddick Isle.
Another interesting contrast. A little Eden on an otherwise infamous little island just a two minute ferry ride from the Vineyard. Even a touch of wry humor on "Chappy". On this little isle, known for it's affluence and the ferociously enforced anonymity and privacy of it's wealthy Denizens, is “The Chappy Store“. This little store is the personification of the phrase "ramshackle shantytown shack" if you put your imagination to work. It's sign carries the motto "The Only Store on Chappy...an Island Tradition since 8 a.m.".
For me, being here amidst all the natural beauty on this lovely island was a reminder of the majesty of all of His creation, of how impossible it is not to see Him in all the natural beauty in this world.
(…to be continued)
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