Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings…
…these are a few of my favorite things…
The gentle morning goodbye kiss of the one you love most, as
you lay still snuggled warmly in bed, half in a dream, as he leaves for work…
The feeling that your heart is about to burst out of your chest
with love and wonder as you hold your first born child…

gratitude to God when you hold your firstborn grandchild…
The precious gift of true friendship. The joy of a family
Christmas morning filled with surprise and love and laughter.
The amazing, unbelievable promise of an Easter morning sunrise
…and all the “little” pleasures and wonders God has given us.
The sweet sensation of walking barefoot through the dew-kissed
grass early in the morning, the peace of the early morning hush,
crocuses in the snow, snow angels in your own back yard,

hot cocoa with marshmallows, a glass of wine and a great movie,
the gentle spring breeze bringing the scent of lilac and honeysuckle,
the sound of soft, soothing surf caressing the shore in the moonlight,
scampering squirrels and majestic whales, the earth, the heavens…
the little “a-hah” moments of discovery and revelation…
the soul stirring sensual pleasures of all of natures
little wonders.

stories that carry us away to worlds of beauty and fantasy, the writers who
paint word pictures, and the music makers who stir our hearts, our minds,
our souls, who can make us weep with the artistry of their voices and their
nimble fingers…who can bring to life so many poignant memories simply
through hearing their magical melodies.
…these are a few of my favorite things.
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